The Exposition of James 1-2 Timothy Jude
Bachelors of Theology Fall Semester 2024
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Service Description
James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude make unique contributions to God’s revelation of Himself and about His people, their trials and rewards, the future of His world and His promises about the glories of the new heavens and the new earth beyond the sufferings of the present. On these themes and truths these books (over ¼ of the total New Testament) occupy a crucial place in the whole canon of Scripture leading up to Revelation. They contain important eschatological and apocalyptic truths that call for holy living now in light of God’s person and Jesus’ coming again, judgment, justice and eternal consequences, rewards and righteousness. This course pursues in-depth verse by verse study of James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude to deepen our faith and relationships with God, to develop our Biblical worldviews and equip us for ministry with God in its many dimensions: preaching, teaching, worship, prayer, evangelism, apologetics, benevolence, visitation and counselling, etc.
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